Saturday, October 20, 2012

You can earn more and more

The process is easy! You simply click a link and view a website for a few seconds to earn money. You can earn even more by referring friends.

Here is some of what ProfiBux offers

Membership is FREE.
Get paid to visit our advertiser's websites.
Earn a very generous $0.10 per link clicked.
Earn a very generous $0.10 for each website your referals view.
Realtime reports of your earnings.
Payment requests can be made every day and are processed through Alertpay.
The minimum payout is $20.00.

Earning Examples

  • You click 10 ads per day = $ 1
  • 20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $ 20
  • Your daily earnings = $ 21
  • Your weekly earnings = $ 147
  • Your monthly earnings = $ 630

Advertise Here

Setting up and displaying your link for ProfiBux members to visit is fast and simple. We charge $90 per 1000 member visits and each visit will last at least 20 seconds. Outside visits are unlimited and included within the price. We will review your website and will have it active within 24 hours. read more

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

ফের􀇳 কী?

ফেরন কােরি􀉈 এ􀇳েচ􀈜 মােক􀇭টেক সংে􀇸েপ ফের􀇳 (ForeX) বা এফএ􀇳 (FX) বা কােরি􀉈 মােক􀇭ট
বলা হয়। এেক 􀊋ট ফের􀇳 বা িরেটইল ফের􀇳ও বলা হয়। েশয়ার মােক􀇭েট েকা􀉡ািনর েশয়ার
েকনােবচা হয়। িক􀊝 ফেরে􀇳র বাজাের ৈবেদিশক মু􀈸া েকনােবচা করা হয়। এখােন আপিন একিট
েদেশর মু􀈸া িবি􀇷 কের আেরক েদেশর মু􀈸া িকনেত পারেবন। আেমিরকার মু􀈸া ডলার এবং ি􀉜েটেনর
মু􀈸া পাউ􀆳ড। ফের􀇳 মােক􀇭েট আপিন ডলার িবি􀇷 কের পাউ􀆳ড িকনেত পারেবন বা পাউ􀆳ড িবি􀇷 কের
ডলার িকনেত পারেবন।
একিট উদাহরণ িদেল ব􀇪াপারিট আেরা 􀊋􀉽 হেব। ধ􀊠ন, আপিন 􀉖াে􀉈 েবড়ােত েগেলন। েসখােন
যাওয়ার পর িকছু েকনার 􀉓েয়াজন হেলা। আপনার কােছ আেছ মািক􀇭ন ডলার। আপিন যিদ েদাকািনেক
ডলার েদন, তেব েস তা েনেব না। েস চাইেব ইউেরা। তাই আপনােক আেগ ডলােরর িবিনমেয় সং􀈄হ
করেত হেব ইউেরা বা ইউেরাপীয় েদেশর মু􀈸া 􀉖া􀈇 । মািন এ􀇳েচ􀈜 করার জ􀉎 আপনােক সাহায􀇪
িনেত হেব মািন এ􀇳েচ􀈜ােরর। তার কােছ ১০০ ডলার িদেয় আপিন েপেলন ৭০ ইউেরা। এখােন আপিন
ইউেরা িকেনেছন, মািক􀇭ন ডলার িবি􀇷 কেরেছন।

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Earn money from Forex Forum Posting

Hello Everyone,
I like to inform all forex trader that, if you don't have enough oney to trade in forex or if you are confuse in investing in forex,then just follow the link and register.
this is forum posting job.........
you have to post in this forum related to forex .......
they will pay you$ .30 per post and no maximum  post in the site
after one month you will get your bonus in your trading account and you can withdraw your profit instantly by trading the bonus.....
so, don't be late,,,,manage your bonus ,,,,,,,
remember you can learn as well as earn from this forum.......
just go through the link.........

Follow The Link:

Good Bye

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Does nokia 5530 have GPS ?

GPS stands for Global Positioning System.I helps to find your route to your destination while traveling.

3G is a mobile broadband service through which you can get fast access to internet on your 5530.However, 5530 has Wifi which is even faster that 3G.

See more:

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Can I retrieve msn history?

Can I retrieve msn history?


In MSN Messenger select the Tools menu, Options... menu item, and then the Messages tab. At the bottom of the dialog is an item labeled: Message History. Select it and your conversations will be recorded in the directory listed in the box bellow. (Of course you can set that to be whatever you like but the default directory is probably fine for most.)

When conversations are saved in the listed directory you'll find several files, typically one per person that you've had a conversation with. The files will all end with ".XML". Not to worry, 
Internet Explorer can open these files and will display them properly.

If IE fails to open the file and spawns notepad instead you can still force it. Right click on the file in Windows Explorer, select Open With..., and then select Internet Explorer.

If you're looking for past conversation archives and they're not present on your own machine then try having the person you were conversing with look. It's quite possible that they have an archive.

Monday, September 10, 2012

crowdsourcing jobs earn money work at home

crowdsourcing jobs earn money work at home

What Is Crowdsourcing?

A few years ago, Jeff Howe of Wired coined a term for a method of generating workflow that was becoming more and more popular all around him. That term was "crowdsourcing"–a method of outsourcing work to a large group of people or a community of people rather than to individual employees or departments.
This is an old business concept that used to be second nature. Businesses (generally small ones) would enlist the help of the common people on the street to do a task for some reward or pay. This was usually for tasks of menial labor or distribution, and sometimes crowds would gather early in the morning to wait for these requests so that they could earn a living.
Of course, the process is now a bit more complex. Since the term was created and the practice became common knowledge, there have been conferences and organizations built around it to share new ideas and innovations. These include CrowdConf and Crowdsortium.
Usually crowdsourcing is implemented by larger companies that will put out a call for communities or groups of people who are best suited for the position. But individuals or smaller companies can also find ways to utilize this tool. It might even be a great option for non-profits and other groups that are limited in resources and so need all of the targeted (but economical) help that they can get.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Critical illness cover orCritical illness insurance

 What is critical illness cover? 

This kind of policy pays a tax-free lump sum out in the event that you become critically ill. Each policy covers a specific range of conditions but most of the more common serious illnesses, such as cancer and heart attacks, are included. In order to qualify for your payment, you will usually need to survive with the condition for one month, although this varies from policy to policy.

 Who needs it? 

While many people don't consider critical illness insurance until they become parents, it can be a useful protection for many different people. For example, if you have financial commitments such as a mortgage, then having this kind of protection in place can give you peace of mind that you would be able to clear these debts if you do become seriously ill.

Critical illness insurance or critical illness cover is an insurance product, where the insurer is contracted to typically make a lump sum cash payment if the policyholder is diagnosed with one of the critical illnesses
listed in the insurance policy.
The policy may also be structured to pay out regular income and the payout may also be on the policyholder undergoing a surgical procedure, for example, having a heart bypass operation.
The policy may require the policyholder to survive a minimum number of days (the survival period) from when the illness was first diagnosed. The survival period used varies from company to company, however, 28 days and 30 days are the most common survival periods used. In the India/UK /Australian  Etc market, survival periods are set between 8 – 14 days.
The contract terms contain specific rules that define when a diagnosis of a critical illness is considered valid. It may state that the diagnosis need be made by a physician who specialists in that illness or condition, or it may name specific tests, e.g. EKG changes of a myocardial infarction, that confirm the diagnosis.

Critical illness insurance is designed to ease the financial pressures by paying a tax-free lump sum if you become seriously ill or totally disabled. You must normally survive at least one month after becoming critically ill, before the policy will pay out.

While many people don't consider critical illness insurance until they become parents, it can be a useful protection for many different people. For example, if you have financial commitments such as a mortgage, then having this kind of protection in place can give you peace of mind that you would be able to clear these debts if you do become seriously ill.
When a person buys it as additional coverage with a pure health insurance product, he/she gets the coverage amount, over and above the treatment amount (maximum up to sum insured). Thus, a person gets extra protection after opting for critical illness cover.  
One such health insurance product that offers Critical Illness Cover as an additional benefit along with it is Easy Health plan. This plan brings along with it a long list of benefits and facilities. One of them is coverage for these diseases. There are eight major covered critical illnesses. These are Stroke, First Heart Attack, Multiple Sclerosis, Paralysis, Coronary Artery Surgery, Major Organ Transplant, Cancer and Kidney Failure.

This plan offers wide coverage to the insured at cost-effective prices. It is always recommended to opt for Critical Illness Cover in order to have better coverage and an access to enjoy life to the fullest. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

crowdsourcing jobs earn money work at home

What Is Crowdsourcing?

A few years ago, Jeff Howe of Wired coined a term for a method of generating workflow that was becoming more and more popular all around him. That term was "crowdsourcing"–a method of outsourcing work to a large group of people or a community of people rather than to individual employees or departments.
This is an old business concept that used to be second nature. Businesses (generally small ones) would enlist the help of the common people on the street to do a task for some reward or pay. This was usually for tasks of menial labor or distribution, and sometimes crowds would gather early in the morning to wait for these requests so that they could earn a living.
Of course, the process is now a bit more complex. Since the term was created and the practice became common knowledge, there have been conferences and organizations built around it to share new ideas and innovations. These include CrowdConf and Crowdsortium.
Usually crowdsourcing is implemented by larger companies that will put out a call for communities or groups of people who are best suited for the position. But individuals or smaller companies can also find ways to utilize this tool. It might even be a great option for non-profits and other groups that are limited in resources and so need all of the targeted (but economical) help that they can get.
Here are five easy ways to make crowdsourcing work for you, no matter what your needs may be.

1. Mechanical Turk

Mechanical Turk is based on HIT’s, or Human Intelligence Tasks. These are basically simple tasks that are easy for the average person, but not simple enough for an automated system to handle. The work itself is micro-labor. That means you will be paid pennies per section of each task, adding up to greater amounts for time. So if you chose to organize a website list to find active links, you might be paid a few cents per link. Others pay up to ten cents per section, which will add up faster. You can make money here, or even post your own jobs for others to do.

2. Cloudcrowd

Another micro-labor site, Cloudcrowd is more translation, data entry and editing based. You can also work in content creation, in a way similar to sites such as TextBroker. You have to have a Facebook and PayPal account in order to qualify, but chances are you have those anyway. The amounts are greater than Mechanical Turk, but the tasks are also a little more time and energy consuming.
If you have been looking for people who can transcribe your files, provide translations or do data entry, you can find some good ones here–however, you have to be prepared to pay a little bit more.

3. CastingWords

Anyone who has a typing skill can make some extra cash by doing transcription at CastingWords. It is associated with Mechanical Turk and allows you to search for jobs related to transcription, which is pretty much just very quick data entry. They pay through direct bank transfers or Amazon store cards, and the pay isn’t bad.
If you are going to use Mechanical Turk to find people who can transcribe for you, it is worth checking out CastingWords as well.

4. IdeaOffer

IdeaOffer is an interesting site. You sign up and look through projects on the site. They will ask you for any ideas you might have to improve it, market it, change it, name it…whatever they need. You submit your ideas and the best ones will be paid a reward. These might be anything from $1 to $100, but you can usually expect about $5 to $10 for each reward.
While this isn’t great for making a lot of cash, it is a good place to get help if you are stuck on your project. You will also be rewarding concepts and creativity.

5. NamingForce

Do you like some real competition? Businesses looking for product or company names will come to NamingForce and ask for your input. The winning name will get a $100 bucks or more for their efforts as they buy that provided name. It is harder to win here because there is more to gain, but it’s an interesting site.
If you are looking for some good marketing ideas and names, then this is a fantastic place to get what you need. You have to be willing to hand out some real cash, but it is still a lot less than you would pay a concept team. You will also be tapping into a fresh idea resource, and that is important in a business-oriented market where creativity can quickly become stale.

Crowdsourcing Gets Results

Of course, these are only a few ideas. You always have the traditional way of giving an open call to your local community, which will inevitably bring in some great minds for the task. But if you are looking for something quick and need a greater pool to choose from, these are some of the sites you can use.


MAKE MONEY BY OUTSOURCING ON FREELANCER.COM specializes in offering amazing rates for all businesses. You can literally outsource anything you can think of at a fraction of what you would pay locally. With the average cost for a typical project being $200, outsourcing has become an extremely cost effective way to run businesses.
To put it simply, businesses can save time and money by outsourcing on Instead of spending internal resources, or finding expensive professional companies to do task you don't specialize in you can simply go to and outsource your project. This give you more time to concentrate on the tasks that makes your business more money. gives you access to a huge talent pool of freelancers all willing to start working for you straight away, and willing to prove that they can give you the best possible product at the best price for you.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Jeux de casino

 Everybody have good news! This is a greate site for earning you can sign up easily free of cost ...just copy this link and paste the browser tab and press enter complete sign up prosses

Top jeux casino: De nombreux joueurs en ligne font la queue pour jouer à la roulette en ligne, lorsqu'ils accèdent à leurs sites de casino préférés. L'attraction de la roulette est clairement reconnue - ce jeu fait partie des grands classiques depuis la gloire et la renommée des casinos européens jusque dans le monde du jeu en ligne - sans perdre de son charme.

Histoire de la roulette en ligne

Pour bien comprendre l'histoire de la roulette en ligne, nous devons mieux comprendre l'histoire de la roulette classique. Il est généralement admis par les historiens que le scientifique français, Blaise Pascal, dans sa recherche de la source du mouvement perpétuel, créa la première roulette au milieu du XVIIème siècle. En 1720, la roulette était utilisée pour jouer une variante appelée Roly Poly en Angleterre, et parvint en France au XVIIIème siècle, à la suite de l'interdiction des jeux de hasard en Angleterre. Au milieu du XIXème siècle, les frères Blanc présentèrent la première roulette telle que nous la connaissons aujourd'hui, destinée pour les casinos de Monte Carlo, et l'image de ce jeu rappelant les aristocrates et la noblesse était établie.
Au début du XIXème siècle, des colons européens introduisirent la roulette aux États-Unis, et bien que le jeu ait subi un certain nombre de changements (tels que l'ajout d'un zéro), il a réussi à intéresser les joueurs de casinos américains.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Everybody have good news!
This is a greate site for earning you can sign up easily free of cost ...just copy this link and paste the browser tab and press
enter complete sign up prosses

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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Protect to you when walking from dog with a stun gun

Protect to you when walking from dog with a stun gun
We all people to work outsides of home.So we walk for walking hand to mouth.Other hand, we have to fear
when to the road attract to the dog bite.When you are walking along,out of the where,charges you ready to attack and bite.Well there is a way protect that dog from going any where further that will not attract the dog and protect you from harmed.Simply by carrying Stun Gun and giving a test fire into the air is usually enough
to stop the in dog it's tracks.They sense the electrically charge and know not go to any where.

For this reason, a Stun Gun baton is prefered as they are a little longer, giving generelly 10 to 25 inches of
distance between the dog and the user.And also a Stun Cane is a great items,as they offer typically a distance of 32 to 36 inches between you and the dog. So, the dog is over -adrenalined and is still coming,you can make contact with them and the stun gun ,firing it and ,as long as gun good quality the dog will stop.

Auto Insurance Quotes Fast Delivery Of Cheap Rates

Auto Insurance Quotes Fast Delivery Of Cheap Rates
Get Auto Insurance Cheep Quotes fast and easy and start saving money.Today almost everyone
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You can compare the terms and discounts offered by competing automobile Insurance Companies in
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This is free and simple zip code based search facility is available for drivers anywhere in the USA.

So, no time is wasted in the process.Drivers could see which carriers are competitive before
they start filling quote forms or phoning around.

Friday, July 13, 2012

To earn more start creating

To earn more start creating blogs on these free websites. Its very simple, just register on these sites, and follow the onscreen instructions to create new pages add content from our site.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

It's the greatest Scope for everyone

If you interest to do data jobs again check below website and join with us.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Welcome to Lifetime

To come upon, often by accident; meet with. To come upon or discover by searching or making an effort:

Lifetime is one of the World top training providers, offering a wide choice of training solutions to our customers ranging from the assessment of training and development needs for large organizations to course advice and industry recognized qualifications for individual learners.
We have developed the skills and careers of thousands of individuals and have improved the performance of some of the biggest, and smallest, employers in the UK across a wide range of business sectors:

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Instant Adsense Cash

We have to ready work any place,any time to the complete of matter.then, we gain the game! .follow link

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Friday, June 29, 2012

Life is short but work is long

Life is short but work is long

Knowledge is the light but Ignorance is the darkness. So life is a very  important of my life.

100% Legitimate, Genuine & Scam Free Online Data Entry Jobs. Work at Home in your spare time. No work load, No Time Limit. Massive Income Every Month. Do Online Assignments, each of 4-5 lines. Get Paid $1 USD to $2 USD Per Assignment 
so  enjoy  the work

Life is short but work is long

Life is short but work is long

Knowledge is the light but Ignorance is the darkness. So life is a very  important of my life.

100% Legitimate, Genuine & Scam Free Online Data Entry Jobs. Work at Home in your spare time. No work load, No Time Limit. Massive Income Every Month. Do Online Assignments, each of 4-5 lines. Get Paid $1 USD to $2 USD Per Assignment 
so  enjoy  the work

There are three important duties

There are three important of duties .such as duty to god, duty to parents,duty to mankind. 

As daily millions of websites are joining Google adsense to rank themselves on Google search engines and like to place their Ads on top traffic ranking sites. Because the more traffic a website gets, more visitors and in turn more selling of their services, products & Business. Today if you search for a keyword like "hotels" you'll get millions of results on Google, but Google can server at the most 10-100 websites on their 1st page, rest listings will be different pages. So if the person who applied for Google Adwords, and not listed on 1st page its just waste of his/her money. So to overcome this problem, and to server all Google Adwords customers Ads instantly, Google Started Google Adsense.

Make Massive income from Google at

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Everyone want to best work in the Worl

Everyone want to best work in the World because he have to want good life  but we can mistake it sometimes.

Offline Data Entry Jobs | Home Jobs At

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Google is running 2 types of programs called Google Adwords & Google Adsense. Google Adwords are for advertisers, who advertise their Ads on Google and other websites. Today daily millions of websites, advertise their services, jobs, products, business etc on internet. To advertise through Google Adwords, Advertiser's pay Google excellent amount. In return Google too servers their Ads instantly on search engines & giving prompt service and benefit to the Advertiser

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

TiTime is money. Track it wiselyTime is money. Track it wiselyme is money. Track it wisely

Time is money. Track it wisely
Once you have a proven set of tools that make it simple to get started. Simple math
In India, most of the work comes from US, European Countries, Gulf nations etc. Today every Industry wants high Quality in their work & absolute customer satisfaction. The work gets outsourced because of the following reasons, in-time, Quality English, Cheap man power, time convenience between different nations, Immediate work submission, No Working Durations, Work from anywhere etc. 
Due to high computer Awareness among people in the recent years, millions of people are ready to work in their free time that too from their home. Here Online Home Jobs Inc. opens the same doors for people like you, who are interested in making Handsome money in their spare time by working for top class rated companies. We provide work basically from European & Gulf Countries because these countries need Good Quality of English. Basically we provide online typing jobs only. In our Working Zone you will get a list of more than 50 Companies who put there data files in the form of Scanned pages, what our job is to type the text mentioned there in the text box. Daily the list of companies gets updated & their files too. 
Rackspace Outsourcing act as a mediator between you & these companies [Third Party], we take bulk file orders from these 3rd Parties which is to be completed by you in time, because every file they put on our server have some valid time duration, & accordingly it gets updated on our server. Once you get registered with us we provide you access to server wherein you can start the work.